
Partner universities

The ISPW currently has exchange agreements with the following partner universities



For general questions in connection with the SEMP programme and semesters abroad, please contact the contact person at the ISPW: Prof. Dr. Claudio Nigg.


Applicants must register by 1 March at the latest using the online portal of the University of Bern. The application form as well as general information on mobility in Europe and worldwide can be found on the website "Outgoing" of the International Office of the University of Bern.

Contact Prof. Dr. Claudio Nigg at an early stage to arrange a date. Please send the request by e-mail to; cc:

The form Outgoing: Agreement for Services at Universities Abroad (DE) or, depending on the exchange country, Outgoing: Agreement for Services at Universities Abroad (ENG), which you have already completed, serves as the basis for the discussion with Claudio Nigg.


Applicants from abroad can find information on the formalities of a semester abroad at the University of Bern on the website "Incoming" of the International Office of the University of Bern.

If the exchange can take place, fill out the form Incoming: Planning of study achievements at the ISPW for recognition at universities abroad and send it by e-mail to for discussion with the SEMP representative of the ISPW, Prof. Dr. Claudio Nigg.