Evaluation of the Education Plan and the training activities of Antidoping Switzerland

Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. Siegfried Nagel, Dr. Christoffer Klenk (ISPW)
Staff: Raphael Stieger (ISPW)
Funding: Anti-Doping Switzerland (AD-CH)
Duration: 11.2020 - 04.2025

Background and objective of the project

On 1.1.2021, the new WADA Code will come into force. The topic of education will now be regulated in a separate standard, the International Standard for Education (WADA, 2021a). It requires anti-doping organisations to conduct an annual evaluation of the education plan and training activities. Ideally, this should be done by independent external partners or institutions from the field of science and research in order to guarantee the quality and objectivity of the evaluation. The objective of this project is therefore to evaluate the training activities and the Education Plan of Anti-Doping Switzerland.

1) Training activities:

Broad evaluation of the annual training sessions (approx. 130) with surveys of the following groups: Athletes (approx. 3,000), coaches (approx. 300) and the trainers responsible for the delivery of the training (approx. 12) through defined measures.

(2) Education Plan:

Evaluation of the education concept of Antidoping Switzerland. Annual review of the achievement of objectives by means of defined measures.

Based on the evaluation findings, practical recommendations for action can be derived and highlighted so that Antidoping Switzerland can, on the one hand, comply with WADA standards and, on the other, improve its training and quality management.

Theoretical background

The aim of the World Anti-Doping Code (WADA, 2021b) is, among other things, to ensure harmonised, coordinated and effective anti-doping programmes at international and national level to prevent doping in sport. The World Anti-Doping Code is based on eight binding international standards that are intended to guarantee uniformity among anti-doping organisations. One standard is the International Standard for Edcuation (WADA, 2021a). The overarching purpose of this standard is to preserve the "spirit of sport" and promote doping-free sport as described in the Code. An important principle is that an athlete's first experience with anti-doping measures should be through education rather than testing. This should be implemented through targeted awareness-raising, information, communication and the teaching of athletes' values in order to prevent intentional and unintentional anti-doping rule violations (p. 9).

However, it is questionable to what extent this will be successful, because "there is no fundamental study on the effectiveness of the National Anti-Doping Code with regard to its normative objectives, instruments and procedures. […]. In contrast to the state anti-doping regulations, there is [...] no methodologically structured evaluation of this central set of sport association rules" (Nolte, 2018, p. 6; 15).

An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Anti-Doping Code and its standards is therefore necessary, especially for the newly revised WADA Code 2021 and the associated Standard for Education. The theoretical-methodological basis for such an evaluation is provided by the approach of quality management in sport organisations (e.g. Daumann & Römmelt, 2012; 2013a, 2013b) - with a specific focus on programme evaluation.

Methodological approach

The methodological design of the evaluation is based on existing empirical studies on quality management in sport associations (Daumann & Römmelt, 2013a, b; Römmelt, 2014) and on the evaluation of the Anti-Doping Code in a NADA (Nolte, 2018).

The evaluation is based on a mixed-method approach with a quantitative analysis of the training activities and a quantitative-qualitative analysis of the Education Plan.

  1. The survey of athletes (n = approx. 3,000), coaches (n = approx. 300) and trainers (n = approx. 12) participating in Antidoping Switzerland's training activities will be conducted via a standardised online survey. The survey is based on the validated survey instrument by Nolte (2018) and includes various questions on different aspects of the impact of the trainings (e.g. knowledge use, transfer and application, interaction, satisfaction, support, access to information and knowledge of anti-doping regulations).
  2. The evaluation of the Education Plan will be conducted via the online surveys and document analyses and will relate to the principles and long-term ambitions of Anti Doping Switzerland (e.g. access to information for athletes and education/contact prior to their first test and first international competition, no unintentional anti-doping rule violations by athletes, fewer whereabouts warnings, regular education and safe knowledge of compliance with the anti-doping rules).


Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2012). Qualitätsmanagement im Sport. In G. Nufer & A. Bühler (Hrsg.), Management im Sport (3. Aufl., S. 445-470). Berlin: Erich Schmidt.

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2013a). Grundlegende Überlegungen zum Qualitätsmanagement in Bundessportfachverbänden. In H.-G. Kremer (Hrsg.), Jenaer Beiträge zum Sport, 18(2013), 2-4.

Daumann, F. & Römmelt, B. (2013b). Qualitätsmanagement im Bundessportfachverband. Qualitätsrelevante Stakeholder in Bundessportfachverbänden - Eine qualitative Studie als Basis für die Implementierung eines Qualitätsmanagementsystems. Köln: Strauß.

Nolte, M. (Hrsg.) (2018). Nationaler Anti-Doping Code. Eine faktenbasierte Evaluierung in Deutschland. Institut für Sportrecht, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln.

Römmelt, B. (2014). Servicequalität in Bundessportfachverbänden. Ein Ansatz zur Qualitätsmessung aus Athletenperspektive. Sportökonomie in Forschung und Praxis, Band 15. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac.

WADA (2021a). World Anti-Doping Code. International Standard Education. https://www.wada-ama.org/sites/default/files/resources/files/international_standard_ise_2020.pdf

WADA (2021b). World Anti-Doping Code. https://www.wada-ama.org/en/what-we-do/the-code