Media appearances

Physical activity break at OSZ Orpund near Biel

© NZZ am Sonntag

02.01.2022 - The department of Sport Pedagogy supports the secondary school center of Orpund near Biel to bring more movement into the school day and investigates the effects on cognitive abilities.

Unathletic people get moving because of Corona

© Keystone

09.05.2020 - Based on slightly more than 2000 respondents, Dr Valentin Benzing ventures first tentative analyses of the Swiss data he collected in collaboration with the International Research Group on COVID-19 and exercise.

Exercise at school - only do strenuous exercises cleverly


25.04.2019 - Many Swiss school classes integrate exercise into their lessons. But research now shows that these exercises often do not have the desired effect. Mirko Schmidt, a sports scientist from Bern, has found out: It's only when the pupils start puffing away that it helps them.

Il giardino di Albert


30.03.2016 - As a discussion guest in Il giardino di Albert (RSI), Prof. Dr. Mirko Schmidt provides information on topics covered in the programme "Sport e scienza".