Survey instruments
Survey instruments
Concerning psychological diagnostics, various validated questionnaires have been developed. Furthermore, digital recording equipment as well as transcription and content analysis software is available for social science issues.
Berner Motiv- und Zielinventar im Freizeit- und Gesundheitssport (BMZI). The BMZI is a German-language diagnostic instrument that allows for a broad and, at the same time, economical acquisition of relevant motives and goals in the field of application of recreational and health sports. This questionnaire is developed for the middle age (35-65 years).
Berner Motiv- und Zielinventar für das höhere Erwachsenenalter (BMZI-HEA). The BMZI-HEA is an adaptation of the Berner Motiv- und Zielinventars for higher aged adults (≥ 65 years).
Athletic Identity Measurement Scale (AIMS). The AIMS (Brewer, Van Raalte & Linder, 1993) is a questionnaire for assessing the athletic identity, i.e., the sport specific part of the self-identity. The AIMS-D represents a German-speaking transcription of the AIMS.
Test of Performance Strategies (TOPS). The TOPS (Thomas, Murphy & Hardy, 1999) is a questionnaire for gathering psychological techniques and skills that athletes apply in training and competition. The German-language version TOPS-D was developed in cooperation with the "Eidgenössischen Hochschule für Sport (EHSM)".
Sportinteressentest (SPIT). The SPIT is a questionnaire for gathering sport oriented interests for adolescents. It is suited to the screening of multidimensional interest profiles and to the description of adolescent target groups in leisure and health sports. The SPIT was devleoped in cooperation with the "Bundesamt für Sport (BASPO)" and the "Eidgenössischen Hochschule für Sport Magglingen (EHSM)".
Interview and transcription
Olympus digital voice recorder. The recorder stores compressed voice mails on xD-Picture cards. The user can choose between three different recording modes so that quality and maximal duration of the recording can be varied. By means of the noise reduction recordings are filtered to reduce disturbing sidetones.
Atlas.ti 5.2. The Atlas.ti allows for computerised analyses of interviews and voice mails. Diverse toolboxes (among others, network editor, auto coder and query tool) support the analysis of the transliterated data with the result that, among others, hidden connections but also embedded meanings become visible. The results can be directly read into a variety of software applications and can be used for further processing but also for presentations.