At the Institute, questionnaires have been developed or translated and evaluated with regard to their psychometric properties, which can be used to examine social science issues in the context of sport and physical activity of individuals or groups. In addition, research instruments are available that are used to assess social integration and participation in the context of sport as well as athletic careers.

Bern Motivation and Goal Inventory: The BMZI is a multidimensional inventory for assessing motives and goals in recreational and health sport. Three age-specific versions of the questionnaire are available: for adolescents and persons in young adulthood, for persons in middle adulthood and for persons in late adulthood. The BMZI can be completed online.

Questionnaire on motivational competence in exercise and sport: The questionnaire on motivational competence has been developped to assess the extent to which people are able to find sporting activities that match their own motives and goals and thus enable them to enjoy sport. The questionnaire is based on the theoretical considerations of Rheinberg and Engeser (2010).

Athletic Identity Measurement Scale: The AIMS (Brewer, Van Raalte & Linder, 1993) is a questionnaire for measuring athletic identity as the sport-related part of self-identity. The AIMS‑D is an adaptation of the AIMS for German-speaking athletes.

Sports Interests Inventory: The SPIT is a questionnaire to assess sport-related interests of adolescents. It is suitable for screening multidimensional interest profiles and as a basis in counselling for finding a suitable sporting activity. The SPIT was developed in cooperation with the Federal Office of Sport (FOSPO) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen (EHSM).

The Transtheoretical Model Variables for Physical Activity: Validated questionnaires have been developed to capture all variables of the Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change applied to physical activity. The variables are: Stages of Change, Processes of Change, Decisional Balance (Pros and Cons), Self-efficacy and Temptations.

Test of Performance Strategies: The TOPS (Thomas, Murphy & Hardy, 1999) is a questionnaire designed to assess psychological techniques and skills used by athletes in training and competition. The TOPS-D ist the German-language version of the inventory and was developed in cooperation with the Swiss Federal Institute of Sports (EHSM).

Mental Toughness Inventory: The MTI (Middleton, Martin & Marsh, 2011) is a diagnostic instrument that can be used to assess different aspects of mental toughness in a comprehensive way, both in performance-oriented sport and in other performance-oriented areas of life. The MTI-D is the German-language version of the inventory.

Questionnaires on participation, integration and sports careers: The research instruments summarised in this group have been developed to capture social integration and participation in the context of sport and physical activity as well as to capture sport-, education- and job-related aspects of careers during and after (junior) elite sport.