
Two cubicles offer a maximum of five flexible individual workstations for PC-based studies, for example in the context of psychophysiological or neuropsychological diagnostics. Classic experimental setups for studies on motor control and motor learning are available (for example, tracking or sequencing). In addition, studies with self-developed apparatuses (KSI lever apparatus, S-Vis-Mot system) are carried out in the cubicles, which makes it possible to address various aspects of movement, concept or sequence learning.

Psychophysiological diagnostics: The methods used in psychophysiological diagnostics examine the connection between psychological processes and physical functions. For this purpose, for example, the heartbeat-counting task is used, which focuses on the ability to perceive one's own heartbeats by comparing subjective and objective assessment.

Neuropsychological diagnostics: The procedures used in neuropsychological diagnostics are intended to allow conclusions to be drawn about cognitive functions and are therefore suitable for examining cognitive performance. Standardized and validated test procedures such as the Wiener Test System are used for this purpose, as well as specific in-house developed procedures.

Tracking tasks: In addition to classical experimental hardware (pursuit rotor, mirror tracing), PC-based variants of tracking tasks based on various open source software are available (PEBL, PsychoPy, OpenSesame). Input and display of the target stimuli are done via an industrial multi-touch display (3M, 32", 20-point-multitouch).

Motor sequencing tasks: In addition to classical sequencing tasks using computer keyboards (finger tapping), self-developed systems are available that allow input sequences via finger, hand or foot movements. The input sequences can be presented in auditory or visual form, while the feedback can be manipulated experimentally.

KSI lever apparatus: The apparatus consists of two handles that can be moved independently in the dimensions of pulling, tilting and rotating. This allows 64 handle positions with 4032 conceivable state transitions. The conceptual complexity with low motor skill demands allow for economical (re)learning studies of complex sequencing.

S-Vis-Mot system: The input device, consisting of four force-torque sensors, enables high-dimensional interaction with a virtual-reality system. Virtualization allows parameters of the objects to be controlled on the monitor separately from those of the physical motor system, enabling selective investigation of motor learning and control processes.