Ausgewählte Publikationen
Schärli, A. (2017). Functional Movement Analysis in Dance. In: Handbook of Human Motion (p.1-15). Heidelberg: Springer
Schrefl, A., Kolokhytas, N., Erlacher, D., & Schärli, A. (2024). Validation single leg heel rise test. CISS (accepeted)
Schrefl, A., Erlacher, D., & Schärli, A. (2023). The single leg heel rise test – a helpful tool for dance science? A systematic review. Medical Problem of Performing Artists. Dec;38(4):234-248.
Schrefl, A., van de Langenberg, R. & Schärli, A. (2021). Kinematic analysis of the coupling between calcaneal eversion and ankle dorsiflexion in a contemporary dancer’s demi plié. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 36(1), 45–53.
Wallman-Jones, A., Mölders, C, Schmidt, M., & Schärli, A. (2022). Feldenkrais to improve interoceptive processes and psychological well-being in female adolescent ballet dancers: A feasibility study. Journal of Dance Education, 23(3), 254-266.