MAS Dance Science
The Master of Advanced Studies in Dance Science takes place at the Sports Institute of the University of Bern (Switzerland).
The University of Bern (Switzerland) offers the first Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) programme in Dance Science in Continental Europe. With its unique focus on Dance Science applied to different population groups (e.g., children, older adults, disabilities, as well as amateur and professional dancers), the MAS in Dance Science prepares graduates for a wide range of careers in the dance world.
Dance Science addresses training, lifestyle and performance of professional dancers as well as the effects of dance activities on different population groups (e.g., children, the elderly). With its origin in sport science, dance science establishes a strong link between theory and practice. Hence, the MAS Dance Science programme offers academically solid dance studies dedicated to a broad range of topics from dance science and dance research.
The MAS in Dance Science has a duration of three years and started in summer 2015 for the first time, since then every two years (next rounds: 2023, 2025...). The study programme allows dance professionals to pursue their degree whilst continuing to work. The MAS is aimed at dancers, teachers, choreographers and artistic directors as well as allied health care specialists and scientists with an affinity for dance.
Absolvents of the MAS in Dance Science receive the “Master of Advanced Studies in Dance Science” from the University of Bern (MAS DS Unibe). A diploma supplement lists the detailed content of the programme as well as the effected skills and abilities.