CAS Dance Science: Health & Performance

In this CAS anatomical, physiological and psychological aspects of the dancing body and dance performance will be critically assessed.

Dance Science addresses training, lifestyle and performance of professional dancers as well as the effects of dance activities on different populations. With origins in sport science, dance science establishes a strong link between theory and practice.

In the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) continuing education programme Dance Science: Health & Performance, students critically examine - on the background of current findings in dance medicine - the anatomical, neuro-scientific, physiological and psychological foundations of the dancer's body and dancer's health. However, the focus is not only on the professional area (such as the handling and prevention of dance injuries), but also very centrally on the amateur area. Questions concerning the contribution of dance to the health of children, adolescents, adults and people with disabilities will be dealt with, as well as aspects that are particularly important for these population groups from an anatomical and physiological point of view.

The duration of the CAS in Dance Science: Health & Performance is seven months and started in summer 2015 for the first time, since then every two years (next rounds: 2025, 2027...). The courses take place at the University of Bern (Switzerland). The programme allows dance professionals to pursue their degree whilst continuing to work. It is aimed at dancers, teachers, choreographers and artistic directors as well as allied health care specialists and scientists with an affinity for dance.

Upon completion of all module components, candidates will receive a CAS in Dance Science: Health & Performance from the University of Bern (CAS DSHP Unibe). A diploma supplement lists the detailed content of the programme as well as the effected skills and abilities. The applied CAS programme qualifies the absolvents to continue their study in the MAS in Dance Science programme of the University of Bern.