• Perception-action-coupling
  • Functionality and mechanisms of long final fixations (Quiet Eye)
  • Perceptual learning/perception training
  • Decision and anticipation in game sports
  • Visual perception and postural control
Publication Year Type
  • MSc motor learning: theories and findings (seminar)
  • MSc motoric and movement research (seminar)
  • BSc perception and action in sport (seminar)
Professional career
 since 2019  Member of scientific staff at the Institute of Sport Science of the University of Bern, Switzerland
 2013–2018  Assistant I (Postdoc) at the Institute of Sport Science of the University of Bern, Switzerland
 Research stay at the Insitute of Sport, Exercise and Active Living of the University of Melbourne, Australia
 Assistant I (PhD student) at the Institute of Sport Science of the University of Bern, Switzerland
 2008  Research stay at the Department of Sports Science of the Giessen University, Germany
 2008  Member of scientific staff at the School of Health Science of the Hope University in Liverpool, England
 2005–2007  Student assistant at the Institute of Sport Science at the University of Greifswald, Germany
Diplomas and qualifications
 Venia Docendi for the subject Sport Science at the University of Bern, Switzerland
 CAS Didactics of higher education
 Doctorate in sport science
 Master's degree in sports science/public law/civil law
 General higher education entrance qualification (Abitur)
 Theory Prize of the German Society of Psychology (DGP), Section Sport Psychology
 Reinhard-Daugs-promotional award, dvs-section sport motor skills
 1. place Young Investigator Award, FEPSAC (European Federation of Sport Psychology)
  • Reviewing activities for scientific journals (Acta Psychologica, Experimental Brain Research, European Journal of Sport Science, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, Perceptual & Motor Skills, PloS ONE, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology)