Dr. Valentin Benzing Postdoctoral researcher Department Sport Pedagogy Phone +41 31 684 45 48 Phone2 +41 31 684 46 32 E-Mail valentin.benzing@unibe.ch Office C 206 Postal Address Bremgartenstrasse 145 3012 Berne Switzerland Consultation Hour by appointment
Research Exercise and cognition Physical activity, development and health Sport and personality Physical Activity / Physical Activity Promotion and Digitalisation Physical activity barriers Intervention research Physiological measurement methods Current research projects of the department Sport Pedagogy Completed research projects of the department Sport Pedagogy
Teaching Seminars, modules, colloquia and lectures in sport science with a focus on sport pedagogy and sport psychology, as well as sub-areas of health science Supervision of theses at Bachelor's and Master's level in sport science and psychology Organisation and management of workshops
Further activities since 2021: Teaching in the "Bewegungsfreundliche Schule / Purzelbaum" course of the university of applied sciences Bern (title: "Movement despite restlessness and inattention - or precisely because of it?") since 2019: Member of the Faculty Commission for Equality, University of Bern 2018: Member of the Appointment Committee, Institute of Sport Science, University of Bern Reviewer activities: BMC Pediatrics; Educational Psychology Review; Frontiers in Psychology; Frontiers in Psychiatry; Games for Health; German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology; Journal of Aging and Physical Activity; Journal of Clinical Medicine; Journal of Physical Activity and Health; Journal of Sport and Health Science; Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise; Mental Health and Physical Activity; Pediatrics; Psychology of Sport & Exercise; Psychological Science; Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports; Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology; Sports Medicine